SATURDAY, MAY 3, 5:30PM - 11PM

Christ the King Catholic School, 1122 Long Ave, Richland, WA

Tickets: $90 per person, or $680 for a table of 8 (before April 18)

Includes appetizers, a family-style dinner, live entertainment, dancing, and live and silent auctions.





(Subject to change)

5:30 - 6:30PM: Social Hour + Silent Auction


6:30PM: Dinner Served


Live Entertainment


7:30PM: Dessert Dash + Games


Live Auction Begins


8PM: Silent Auction Closes


9:30PM: Live Auction Ends and Dancing Begins!


11PM: Doors Close





The evening's meal will be served family-style, and will include:


Tropical salad with pineapple vinaigrette


Roast pork loin and mango glaze


Slow roast fish with herb salsa


Island coconut confetti rice
Grilled teriyaki cauliflower steak (vegetarian option)


*Appetizers will be served during social hour, beginning at 5:30pm when the doors open.